WK-23-2054 Drum Clinometer:
The WK-23-2054 (shown right) has angles that are read directly to one minute and to 15 seconds by interpolation. This clinometer is graduated from 0° to 180° to 0° with negative numbers descending in red and positive numbers ascending in black.
The WK-23-2054 features two hardened and ground base plates. The lower 6” plate is suitable for use on shafts, propellors, wing surfaces, machine tools, test tables, production fixtures, and more. This adjustable base permits reading angles from zero, even when working from surfaces not perfectly horizontal.The lower base plate and the compensating screw may be removed permitting the fixed base to be used in contact with the working or reference surface.
When used in this manner, the Clinometer is adjusted to the fixed base. The graduations will read 0° and the level vial will center only when the base is truly horizontal. This permits the Clinometer to be clamped to a tiltable surface with all angles read directly from the horizontal. All working parts are effectively enclosed in a dust-tight case– assuring abrasion-free contact between the accurate ground arc and worm. The micrometer drum worm shaft is spring-loaded to elinimate backlash. Overall height of the clinometer is 5 15/16”.
WK-23-2052 Drum Clinometer:
The WK-23-2052 Drum Clinometer is similar to WK-23-2054, but has a range of 10° to 0° to 90°. It fits easily into small storage and operational space. It is used worldwide by aircraft manufacturers, maintenance facilities, and aerospace services. Supplied with a durable plastic carrying case.
Model Variations:
WK-23-2052 Drum Clinometer: 1 min. (res.), 1 min.(accuracy)
WK-23-2152 Drum Clinometer: 30 sec. (res.), 30 sec. (accuracy)
WK-23-2252 Drum Clinometer: 20 sec (res.), 20 sec. (accuracy)
WK-23-2054 Drum Clinometer: 1 min. (res.), 1 min.(accuracy)
WK-23-2154 Drum Clinometer: 30 sec. (res.), 30 sec. (accuracy)
WK-23-2254 Drum Clinometer: 20 sec (res.), 20 sec. (accuracy)
WK-23-2954 Drum Clinometer: 1 min. 30 sec. (res.), 1 min. 30 sec.